Swipe Right
Because your friends put you up to it.
Because you like hikes and music festivals.
Because you like spending time with dogs more than people.
Because you're easy going, full of laughter
and always up for adventure.
Because you stay positive even when everything is against you.
You like reading, playing video games and extreme sports.
You like parties and wine tours, chocolate and pizza,
beach vibes,
tall guys,
french fries,
no lies.
Let's Netflix and chill,
while we eat pizza and cuddle
All night long to your linked Spotify song.
No, I will not teach you surfing or how to scuba dive
or be your 'no strings attached' tour guide.
You will love my dog more than me, I'm sure
and yes I know the difference between you're and your
You say 'sapiosexual' and 'discreet' polygamy
"No fuckbois, no dick pics, just impress me!"
So Carpe diem my ass
we all know why we are here!
meaningful conversation?
Or maybe just maybe, the thrill of seeing a match appear
you shout and abbreviate
so let's just get one thing straight
You are still here reading my poem
swipe right if you also feel alone.